Nov 27, 2007

Twelve Dollar Babies

Who has seen the movie Million Dollar Baby? That’s wonderful. I really love it and though I have seen that for five times, but it is not boring for me. Anytime I watch this movie, I get a new point from that.

This movie is the story of a girl who wants to learn boxing and be a champion and becomes rich. She goes to a well-known and old trainer who at first does not want to train her. But little by little, he agrees to train the girl. The girl does work very smart and just through several fights becomes very famous and earns a lot of money, so much that she could buy a new house for her mother.

Anyway, but in a great fight with a boxer called “Big Bear”, she is wounded. She is taken to hospital. In hospital, though so many struggles from her doctors, she can not be survived. At last, the trainer prefers mercy killing and…

The ending sequence of the Million Dollar Baby is deeply sad, even, you want to cry.

Forget it… just I wanted to talk about our own Twelve Dollar Babies. But now, I can’t. So, just for another time.

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