Feb 2, 2014


Angrily, unforgivably, and openly, they curse Karzai, and then, call him "dogmatic!

Karzai is a genius. I have never had, in recent years, the faith I had in him when I voted for him the first time, nor even as much as I believed him when I voted for him the second time, just in a hope that the other candidates wouldn't win. He has shown times and times the level of tolerance and flexibility, practically and explicitly, I have never seen in any other Afghan politicians. He has shown a level of professionalism of which you never find a second example in the Afghan political history. He doesn't respond of course, he just ignores! What else could have you expected from a leader to survive for twelve years in a highly radicalized society like that of Afghan's?! That of course makes the rest of us angry!

He had no solid ethnic basis to leverage for political gains, nor a firm support from the U.S. during Obama.Yet, he never gave up negotiating. He consistently demanded more either domestically or internationally, empty-handed.

Does he seek personal interest? Who doesn't! In an amateur political environment like the Afghanistan's, where the politicians are comprised of murderers, pedophiles, smugglers, or charlatans formerly called "intellectuals", he appears to remain the only one who can stay rational and seek the national interest, as well as his personal.

BSA? I have said this before. There are more to this game than meet the eye. We want to sell our country, but for a better price! Stay patient!

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